Straight Lines Painting
We started our painting company with an idea that we should be different from every other painting company out there. We want to provide excellent services at honest prices and we believe we’ve delivered on that.
We have several years of experience in our service area and have helped countless businesses and residences alike with the upkeep and maintenance of their indoor painting.
Setting benchmarks in this field through their works and letting their work speak for themselves our team provides all the professional help, one can always rely on 24-7. The issues related to painting at home, office or large commercial ones can be effectively managed by them leaving no space for complaints and 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.
For a free quote and our current specials please contact us. With years of experience, we will be happy to assist. Call us today.
“The service is friendly and the results are always of the highest quality. I’m sure to be a return customer.”
“This is the best company I have ever worked with. I’ll definitely choose them again, and highly recommend them.”
Straight Lines Painting
We provide high-quality painting services. Whether you need residential, commercial, or industrial painting services, our professional painters will take care of you.
845 Cathedral Vista Ln,
Santa Barbara, CA 93110